The Office Woodfield House, Hornby Park,
Bedale,DL8 1NN 01748 461 032
Tanya Cook
A Good Things Activation Ambassador
Working for Learn My Way and the National Data Bank.
The ambassador is a representative appointed to support the mission of making people digitally aware.
Activation Ambassadors are familiar with local people and are often more influential and trusted locally. They help people achieve digital goals. The Good Things appointed them to promote the vision of a world where everyone benefits from digital inclusion, making people digitally able, equal, safe, happier, healthier, and better skilled.
Ambassadors promote The Good Things using various means, including posts with text and photos and work with individuals and groups to generate interest and engage with them.
Good Things ambassadors have helped people become digitally aware in many ways. They have helped reduce isolation among older people by teaching them how to use video calling apps to keep in touch with family and friends. They have also helped people improve their job prospects by showing them how to search for jobs online and create a professional CV. Ambassadors have even helped people order prescriptions online, saving them time and travel, which is essential in rural areas with little public transport. They have helped eligible individuals receive a gifted sim card either for free UK phone calls for six months or a data sim card for up to 24 months to keep them connected to family, study online, keep their work journal up to date and establish strong communication links with job coaches while job searching.
These are just a few examples of how Good Things Ambassadors make a difference in people's lives.
They are messengers helping an ongoing campaign, as many people lack a voice and viability in the modern world as the government moves services online “digital by default.” Ambassadors are involved in promoting The Good Things using the media with posts with text and photos, working with people personally and with groups to generate interest and engage with The Good Things.
The Activation Ambassadors:-
Support ongoing campaign efforts.
Advocate for Internet connectivity.
Promote digital inclusion
Provide free mobile SIM cards.
National Databank outreach
Promote The Good Things Foundation
Work with individuals and groups.

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June 2022 to help us reach anyone any person or a Ukrainian in data poverty in North Yorkshire in North Yorkshire to find out if you are eligible
The National Databank provides free data with Sim Cards for community groups to distribute across the UK.
Virgin Media has created the platform.
The National Databank Partners, Virgin Media O2, Vodafone and Three.
Working closely with Good Things Foundation and other digital inclusion experts (including Community Organisers, Operation Wifi, Hubbub and Nominet) – and has been asked by the Good Things Foundation to run the Data Bank through our network of Online Centres. This includes A1 Community Works in North Yorkshire.
A1 Community Works is one of the rural online centres.
The National Databank provides, for the first time, a central hub where community groups can access free ‘data voucher codes’ and SIM cards for people in data poverty who need help accessing the internet. Including Ukrainians seeking refuge in the UK
Those accessing free data will also be offered additional support – including digital skills training and signposting to other essential services.
The UK National Databank, powered by Good Things Foundation and its partners Virgin Media O2, Vodafone and Three, will provide free mobile data to those escaping wars and persecution and seeking refuge in the UK.
As well as helping anyone in the UK over 18 who is in data poverty
A1 Community Works works across North Yorkshire to distribute free mobile data sim cards to those people in digital poverty. We are able to send you a sim card from one of the Partners, Vodafone, 02 and Three.
At there, you can find out more about Vodafone's contribution pledge to reduce digital poverty in the NEWS centre.
Getting everyone connected
As a technology communications company, we believe in the power of connectivity and digital services to improve lives and are working hard to connect more people and communities.
‘Faces of Disconnection’ marks Vodafone UK reaching the one million milestones in its everyone. Connected campaign and, to celebrate, it is now extending its commitment to help four million people cross the digital divide by 2025.
Working on a range of partnerships and initiatives, Vodafone’s everyone. connected campaign gives people the connectivity, technology and skills they need to stay connected and participate fully in an increasingly digital society.
Everyone should be connected.
Virgin Media O2 has donated over 60 million GB of free data to the National Databank to support people living in data poverty.
All the partner's sim cards have data with free unlimited texts and phone calls in the UK.
The Three SIM card is a data SIM card only.
Rember you can take an existing mobile to these networks. You have to get from your present supplier the PAC six number code or the STAC 6 number code see below.
What are PAC, STAC
You need a STAC or PAC code when you leave or join a new mobile provider.
PAC - Porting Authorisation Code
A PAC is a code that lets you keep your mobile number when you move from one network to another. It should have three letters, followed by six numbers – ABC123456.
STAC - Service Termination Authorisation Code
A STAC is a code that lets you get a new number when you move from one network to another. It should have six numbers, followed by three letters – 123456ABC.
You’ll need to request a PAC or STAC from your old provider to give to your new provider. It'll automatically expire if you don’t use your PAC or STAC code in 30 days.