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A TOOL KIT with Effective Outreach and

Motivational Strategies for Upgrading the key Competences of Marginalized & Vulnerable low Skilled Adults (Focus on Women): Ensuring Social Inclusion, Access, and Participation in the Digital era

Short Description

The ALL4INCLUSION project focuses on developing the skills of adult educators to improve adult participation in education with a focus on vulnerable groups of adults, especially on women. Particular, vulnerable groups refer to long-term unemployed, women excluded from participation in lifelong learning, adults with learning difficulties, migrants with little language knowledge, elderly adults who lack of digital skills and adults with physical or mental disabilities.

The project aims to provide adults with a three-stage upskilling pathway programme e.g. audit-skills intervention and validation. Emphasis is given on acquiring, developing, assessing and validating a set of essential employability skills such as digital, financial, numeracy and literacy competences thus to be able to meet the needs of the digitized economy. A key objective is to equip vulnerable groups of adults to find good-quality jobs and fulfill their potential as socially included citizens.

In line with the European Agenda for Adult Learning priorities and the Council Recommendation on Upskilling Pathways, the project seeks to develop a Training Package with effective outreach strategies thus to improve adult participation in education, promote the acquisition of key competences for employability purposes and enhance quality of opportunities provided.

Direct target group

Adult educators and carers working with vulnerable groups of adults

Indirect target group

Vulnerable group of adults (women across all backgrounds, long-term unemployed, refugees, asylum seekers, low- qualified adults, adults with health-related issues

Project Coordinator


Direct target group

Adult educators and carers working with vulnerable groups of adults

Indirect target group

Vulnerable group of adults (women across all backgrounds, long-term unemployed, refugees, asylum seekers, low- qualified adults, adults with health-related issues

As part of University of Hannover, the overall aim of the department for civic education (Institut für Didaktik der Demokratie) is
to enable both young people and adults to acquire key skills and competences necessary for active citizenship and participation at all levels of social and political life. The research group offers a wide range of teacher in-service and induction trainings covering all aspects of citizenship education in teaching and learning. The trainings are offered on university-level as well as on national and European level.

Contact Person: Dr. Sebastian Fischer

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A1 Community Works Ltd is as a company limited by guarantee (not for profit). The objects of the Company are to promote and deliver programmes which aid the purpose of generating or regenerating the local economy and community. As a registered Digital Online Centre we provide training for the digitally excluded for business and individuals’ and we also provide our service as an outreach at other centres and community facilities.

Contact person: Tanya Cook,


IDEC S.A. is a consultancy, high tech and training company based in Piraeus Greece. It is active in both the Greek and the transnational market.

Being established in 1989, it has achieved a combination of experience and know-how accumulated over the years, with the ideas and innovation of its young collaborators. IDEC has a wide range of expertise and products in a broad spectrum of topics. Our customer-focused approach provides our customers with a unique set of all-round services and assists them in building the future they want.

IDEC is certified according to ISO 9001 quality standard.

Contact Person: Xenia Chronopoulou,


RUTIS (Association of Third Age Universities Network) is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) and Public Utility that supports the community and the senior population in a national and international level.
The main objectives of RUTIS are the promotion of active ageing and the valorization of Senior Universities (registered name, by RUTIS, as a Registered Trademark in the National Institute of Industrial Property) being these “the social response, which aims to create and regularly stimulate social, cultural, educational and social activities, preferably for and by those over 50 years old. The educational activities are in a non-formal regime, without the purpose of certification and in the context of lifelong learning”.

Contact Person: Giselle Janeiro,


The Map of Passions Foundation was established in 2016 in Poland. Our mission is: Discovering the Mysteries of Places – and the Passions of their Inhabitants. We are active in three main domains of activities: 1) QUESTS – Explorers’ Expeditions are treasure hunts which allow to discover local history, culture and nature, and solve riddles hidden in rhymed clues; we operate almost 400 quests in the whole country (; 2) Civic dialogue which means regular communication and co-operation by and between local governments at various levels, and residents of cities, towns, and villages (public consultations, designing public spaces, participatory budgets, senior citizen or junior citizen boards); 3) The cultural heritage of places which we protect, document and promote on regional and national levels.


Emphasys Centre, established in 1998, runs an ICT Education and VET Centre approved by the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, as well as an EU Research Centre. It is staffed with a well-rounded team that includes specialists in ICT, Psychology, Sociology, Education, Law, Economics, Business, Human Rights, Architecture and Graphic Design.

Emphasys is organized in 4 directorates. The Education Directorate includes validated and accredited IT courses, such as the GCE A’ Level Computer Science for students, or the European Computer Driving License (ECDL) for professionals while providing Career Counselling Services.

The ICT Training Directorate includes a fully equipped STEAM Learning Unit and the EU Training Unit, focusing on the provision of Erasmus+ KA1 Learning Mobility Courses for EU professionals and citizens. Emphasys offers its services to a diverse portfolio of public and private organisations, as well as individuals from all ages and walks of life.

The STEAM UNIT is fully equipped with high tech tools in order to offer project-driven related courses to young people, combining Robotics, 3D Design and Printing using the Craftbot+ 3D Printer, and Coding through Video Game design, using state of the art Virtual Reality Headsets such as the Oculus Rift S, led by ‘Lego Education Trainer’ certified instructors. Most of the courses follow the 4C approach of Lego Education: “Connect – Construct – Contemplate – Continue”, where learners are presented with an open-ended challenge that places them in a position of solution-seeking.

The Research Directorate works with several organisations on EU projects under a number of funds (e.g. Erasmus, AMIF, Justice) in the field of education and training, while also providing managerial support for EU projects to schools and NGOs. Over the years, it has built a strong local and international network which is utilized in the promotion of EU projects and initiatives.

The Software Development Directorate is involved in the design, development, pilot-testing and evaluation of various e-learning tools, platforms, websites, applications and assessment portals, based on the needs of the various projects being implemented by the organization.

Emphasys is a member of the European Digital Learning Network (DLEARN) along with 25 other organisations from Europe aiming to promote the digital agenda of Europe, and part of the consulting group for the Digital Agenda of Cyprus.

Contact Person: Athos Charalambides, 

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


©2003-2024 - A1 Community Works Ltd.

Company number: 4710728

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